Terms of Use

The Fitness Embassy® Enable Social hip hop program; “Enable Social” is an online dance curriculum and educational portal available to Registered Schools; “School” who abide by the Terms of Use; “Terms”.

Enable Social may make changes to the Terms. If your School does not agree to the revised Terms they should stop using Enable Social.


Liability of Service

Enable Social requires your School to engage in choreography that is designed to support teachers with the teaching and learning of dance to students and to encourage movement as a way of encouraging positive self-expression and Well-being.

Prior to purchasing a membership account, your School must acknowledge that the dance session/s instructed by Enable Social are supervised by qualified teachers.

When permitted by law, Enable Social will not be responsible for indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages that may result during your School’s membership period and will not be liable for any loss or damage that is not reasonably foreseeable. No warranty of safety should result from its use.

Students and supervising teachers must cease all physical activity when performing the choreography if they feel faint or have spells of dizziness, or ever experience unexplained aches or joint pains. The student or supervising teacher may require a medical clearance from a medical or allied health practitioner to continue with the program.

This service is made available to your School specific to the purchased membership access into Enable Social.

Your school may receive future notifications of upcoming news, performances and events, or informing of account expiry periods by Fitness Embassy®.


Creative Kids Vouchers

Fitness Embassy® is a registered provider of the New South Wales Creative Kids voucher. The voucher does not apply to your School membership and only can used for out-of-school hours activities even if conducted onsite.

There will be no limits on the number of Creative Kids voucher applications per family. An application for a voucher can be made any time throughout the year and are valid for redemption during the current calendar year activity program.

Please note that Creative Kids vouchers shall expire at the end of the calendar year.


Fee for Service

Enable Social is an online national program designed to celebrate the arts through dance, promote social engagement and positive self-expression.

Please enroll carefully as Enable Social is a fee-for-service and is non-refundable once full access is granted.

The membership period is a 12 month registration periods from the time of payment and shall expire at the end of the 12 month period. Your school will be notified via email prior to this expiry date.



By accessing Enable Social, your School acknowledges that the online portal, including its Intellectual Property in design, layout, educational content and choreography is maintained and owned by Fitness Embassy Pty Ltd.

Fitness Embassy® reserve the right to display uploaded choreography of students or teachers that will further promote the Enable Social program for all Australians to celebrate the culture of dance through the creative arts.


Cookies Information

Fitness Embassy® do not use cookies for web browsers. When visiting to access the online portal your School may choose to have their username and password remembered next time they log into Enable Social.

Your School is responsible for maintaining the security of the account login details including assigned username and password. This is a unique identifier is specific to your School and your membership registration may be in breach when used by others not enrolled or employed at your School.

If the username and password is forgotten or misplaced your School may request a new username and password by contacting team support via


Required By Law

Fitness Embassy Pty Ltd may be required by law to disclose Participant information, which may also include choreography uploaded onto Enable Social to the extent required by applicable legal process. Your School will be promptly notified of such disclosure before disclosing and we will comply with their reasonable requests regarding its efforts to oppose the disclosure. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Fitness Embassy Pty Ltd may be required to act in accordance to the law to prevent the violation of the legal process or obstruct a governmental investigation.



Fitness Embassy® values feedback. Any received feedback about Enable Social may be used without obligation to further improve or promote the program.


Technical Support Services

Your School is supported with online support if experiencing technical issues regarding account registration or login by sending an email to Fitness Embassy team support services will process requests during the hours of operation, unless otherwise indicated. Any requests received outside of the hours of operation will be processed when it is commercially reasonable to respond such requests.



In order to maintain the currency and integrity of Enable Social, scheduled maintenance of the online portal will periodically occur. To ensure that this does not negatively affect service availability or functionality, Fitness Embassy® will make every commercial effort to provide advanced notice of the maintenance.

In addition, Fitness Embassy® may perform emergency unscheduled maintenance at any time.


Music Licence

Enable Social comply with The Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) instructor licence requirements for the public music display of music to accompany each choreography. Your School has every right to view Enable Social on any projector, computer or mobile device.


Change of Control

In the event where Enable Social has a change of control along with its brand and intellectual property, Fitness Embassy Pty Ltd removes itself from all liabilities under the Terms when the change of control takes effect.


Terminating your Account

Your School has every right to terminate their Enable Social account at any time and unsubscribe to any future notifications of upcoming news, performances and events, or account expiry periods by Fitness Embassy®.